City Maps & Bus Parkings

Directions & Meeting points


„…The way is the goal..."

Chinese philosopher Confucius

Bus parkings, car parks and meeting points for guided city tours


Meeting point coach parking, Kaiserjägerstrasse 8, 6020 Innsbruck

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The marked line leads you directly to the bus parking lot in Innsbruck, which is located on Kaiserjägerstraße behind the Hofgarten. The bus parking lot is open daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. At the parking lot you will find a kiosk, toilet and bus washing facilities. Fee per bus and day € 40.00. ( If you arrive by car, you will find various underground garages in the immediate Vicinity of the bus parking lot.

Hall in Tirol

Meeting point coach parking, Kreuzung Pfannhausstraße/Augasse 1, 6060 Hall in Tirol

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Take the Hall Mitte exit and cross the bridge. At the large intersection after the bridge, turn left. After about 200 m the bus parking lot is on the left.
The bus parking lot is open daily. Coaches park for free at the bus parking lot.


Meeting point coach parking: Wopfnerstraße 13-15, 6130 Schwaz


Meeting point coach parking: P 1 West, Südtirolerstraße, 6240 Rattenberg


Meeting point coach parking: P1 Hahnenkammbahn, Josef-Herold-Straße 17a, 6370 Kitzbühel


Meeting point coach parking: Salurner Strasse 2, 6330 Kufstein                                                  


Meeting point Bus &Train station terminal: Reitherspitzstrasse, 6100 Seefeld

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